Pixels Pedals and Poodle
Photographer on a bike, his dog and their photography and plane spotting adventure around Singapore.
“It is the unknown around the corner that turns my wheels.” – Heinz Stücke
“A dog is a great thing for a kid to have. It’s like a bicycle but with emotions.” – Trevor Noah

Hey hey! Woof woof!
We are the plane spotter duo and also location scouting duo who love cycling to places to watch aeroplanes arriving or taking off and/or to find new locations for outdoor photoshoot.
Or very often, just to ride, chill and to have fun!
We don’t always take photos when we go out cycling, but when we do, we do it ourselves. All photos below were self-shot with my camera on tripod running on timer or triggered by a remote app on my phone. The tripod is small and light enough that I can easily sling it across my back while the camera and lens are inside the camera bag fitted on the front carrier block of the bike.
And the poodle … he sit on a pet seat called buddyrider that is secured to the seat post. His name is Snoopy, my Chief Happiness Woofficer.
Oh and lastly when we go for plane spotting, we usually go to Changi Beach Park, East Coast Park (area G), or Changi Business Park. You can read the complete information about the locations here on spotterguide website.

We are grateful you have found our page and hopefully these inspire you to do something fun with your family too. This page will be updated regularly with latest photos from our adventure together. Any question, send us a message! Happy to chat. Till then, happy cycling, plane spotting or anything fun you love doing.

We have been coming to this spot many times for plane spotting or just to chill, but did not explore this angle before. The tree to our left has been leafless for the past couple of weeks, botak tree as we like to call it. The background wouldn’t be so nice otherwise. But we will try to shoot this angle again next time when the leaves are back and will compare.

Singapore Airlines does not fly the iconic Boeing 747 aircrafts for passengers anymore. Their 747s are now only flying as cargo aircrafts. Above, registered as 9V-SFM, is one of them.

I wanted to recreate the scene in Korean drama Goblin episode 1 when Ji Eun Tak met Goblin at Jumunjin beach breakwater. Couldn’t find a similar location in Singapore, but I am happy with this.

How do you like this movie poster? I like to make these just for fun.