Five lovely cats. Photography by Masakecil.

Family and cat photography

Cat photography is a little different from dog photography. They don’t really follow your instruction. They like to be in their own space and doing their own thing, hence the best is to just let them be and follow them. … Read more

Golden Retriever and a Cat. Photography by Masakecil.


Meet these two lovely furriends. These were shot during the session for a family yesterday morning (see previous blog post). They have a 5-month-old golden retriever puppy and a cat living together. Though they don’t fight with each other, they … Read more

Black and white outdoor family and pet photography.

Family and pet photography

The weather yesterday morning did not go cats and dogs. Lucky us. I photographed this furrmily yesterday at a small park near their house yesterday. Location was chosen to make it easier for the cat and the dog to join. … Read more