Father and daughter outdoor family photography.

My family photo journal

I imagine this would be the photo journal of this little girl. From a recent photo session done in their house. Wouldn’t it be nice when she sees the images again 20, 30, 40, 50 … years from now? Don’t … Read more

Black and White Children and Family Photographer

Black and White Outdoor Family Photography

I am feeling black and white tonight, so, processing this set from my last outdoor session in monochrome. The colour version is lovely too, but allow me to share them in these shades of grey. Are you looking for an … Read more

A family having fun at the Singapore's park. Photography by Hendra Lauw.

Family photography – an afternoon in the park

Their first session was cancelled due to rain, but thank you for rescheduling to the next day when the afternoon weather was great with nice breeze and soft sunlight coming through the thin white clouds that served as giant soft … Read more

Five lovely cats. Photography by Masakecil.

Family and cat photography

Cat photography is a little different from dog photography. They don’t really follow your instruction. They like to be in their own space and doing their own thing, hence the best is to just let them be and follow them. … Read more

Black and white outdoor family and pet photography.

Family and pet photography

The weather yesterday morning did not go cats and dogs. Lucky us. I photographed this furrmily yesterday at a small park near their house yesterday. Location was chosen to make it easier for the cat and the dog to join. … Read more

Mother and son photoshoot

Mother and son photoshoot

Yesterday’s photoshoot was almost cancelled when the dark clouds did not seem to want to move away. I came early and waited for a short while before the sky started to clear up and I told the family that they … Read more

Beach family photography in Singapore

Singapore beach family photography

I love this scene, taken at the beach this morning, when the mom and her son looking at the small waves come and ebb away in front of them. Sometimes when I let the family to just be on their … Read more